One of the most important carp rigs in an anglers armoury
What Is The Inline Carp Rig?
Put simply it is one of the most effective carp rigs you will ever need, this rig is probably responsible for more large carp then any
other. Fished correctly it is a truly devastating method then gives you a good chance of catching wherever you are fishing.
The Inline carp rig can be used with virtually any bait, and is often used in conjunction with PVA stocking or bags.
What we used
1. A Size 8 Swivel
2. Solar Tail Rubber
3. Solar Buffer Bead
4. Solar Stop Bead
5. In-line Lead 1oz
6. 6 - 10 Inches of Rig Tube
How Do I Set It Up
Step 1.
You start by threading the stop bead (4) onto the rig tubing (6) as shown, leaving it about 2 inches from the end.
Step 2.
Next you thread the lead onto to the rig tubing.
Step 3.
You start by threading the stop bead (4) onto the rig tubing (6) as shown, leaving it about 2 inches from the end.
Step 4.
You can now thread you main line through the rig, starting at the top end.
Step 5.
Once you main line is through the rig, you need to tie the swivel onto your line.
Step 6.
Next, pull the swivel into the Buffer Bead as shown and then slide the Tail Rubber (2) onto your hook length.
Step 7.
Now tie your hook length onto the bottom of the swivel.
Step 8.
You can now slide the Tail Rubber up the hook length, and push it onto the swivel.
Thats It
Your carp rig is now complete and ready to use.