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Fish Encyclopaedia   -   The Grass Carp

Fish Details Picture
British Name Grass Carp
Latin Name Ctenopharyngodon Idella
Max Age 25 years
Max  Weight 80lb
Max Length 1.3 metres
Location Lakes, Rivers, Canals


The grass carp (also known as the white Amur) is the vegetarian of the carp world, feeding mainly on weed, and as they get older their diet can include insects, snail and other aquatic life. They are often used to help control excessive weed in lakes and reservoirs. They have long 'chub-like' bodies with a very slightly upturned mouths. They are normally silver in colour although they can develop a golden tint across their backs. Their alias (white Amur) comes from the Amur river (Russia / China) where they are believed to have originated. Now sought after by anglers for their hard fighting and rapid weight gain (the average grass carp can put on 10lbs in weight in 1 year alone). You will find grass carp in lakes, reservoirs, stillwaters and some slow moving rivers.

Current UK Record   (rod caught)

Current World Record   (rod caught)


39lb 8oz   -   caught in 2004

78lb 12oz   -   caught from the Flint River in 2004


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